4 Advantages of Having a Dash Cam in Your Car

4 Advantages of Having a Dash Cam in Your Car


The concept of having a camera in the car looks like a fancy thing, but it has got many advantages as well. Along with capturing the views in front of the car, it has become an essential tool to draw out the realities of an incident. With the kind of road infrastructure and rash drivers, mishaps on the road are almost unavoidable. A collision between vehicles has undoubtedly become a common sight. But the sad part is, people always blame the person driving the bigger vehicle, without even knowing what exactly has happened. This is where a car camera comes in as a useful device. It can provide with full video proof of the incident, which can help in getting the truth. 

There’s a lot more advantage you can have with a camera in your car, here we have listed them for you:

No More Wrong Challan:

Since the day the new Motor Vehicle Act has come into effect, the amount of fine has doubled and even quadrupled. This was to make people obey the traffic rules and usually, most of you do as well. But it is unfair if traffic police stop and alleges that you skipped the signal or you were not wearing the seat belt, even if you had put them on. You might get a wrong challan for the mistakes you never did. So, when you have a car camera, you still have a chance to get relief from wrong challans. You can show the video footage as proof that you didn’t break any rule.

Mutually Resolve the Conflict on Road:

In metropolitan cities, people have to go through huge traffic jams, and unfortunately, the frustration comes out as road rage cases. The silly fights on the road, after a slight bumping, don’t take much time to turn ugly. No matter, it is the fault of the person on the other side, he might not agree and could keep on arguing in a baseless manner. So before the small argument goes to peak, you can use car camera to mitigate the issue. The recorded footage can help to pacify the anger and mutually resolve the conflict.  

Monitor You Chauffeur:

Car camera is a great way to monitor the activities of your chauffeur. Yes, if you have a chauffeur who drives you or your family to respective places, then you must get a camera in your car. You can ensure the safety of your loved ones, and if the driver is misusing your car for personal benefits. The recorded video of your car can let you understand if the conduct of your driver is good or not. For example, while driving your kids to school, if the chauffeur behaves politely or not. You can make sure that he doesn’t use any abusive language in front of kids.  In case, you find anything suspicious then, you can easily make decisions based on the video evidence you have.

Always Be Ready To Capture the Moment:

The road journey is always adventurous, you never know, and what would you get to see the next moment. Even during your daily drives, you might witness an unforgettable incident. By the time you take out your phone or camera to capture the moment, it’s already gone. A car camera can help you to always be ready to record an incident on the road. There are plenty of dash cam videos on social media sites, garnering millions of views.

Now if you have also made your mind to grab a one for your car then consider buying KENT CamEye. It’s a dash cam with GPS tracker that records everything happening inside and outside the vehicle. It has dual cameras with built-in microphone and speaker, which enables the device with both the audio-video capabilities.

It gives two options of recording the video- single-mode recording and dual-mode recording. In single mode device will record the video for either of the views and will save it locally into the SD-card. The recorded video will be in continuous form and can be watched later from the library section of the KENT CamEye mobile application.

In the dual-mode recording, KENT CamEye will record the time-lapse video of both the inside and outside view of the car. The video will be stored on a secure cloud system for up to 90 days to watch and download.

KENT CamEye dash cam cum GPS tracker has many other useful features which make it worth the investment. You can take a free demo of this product to explore the features of this device. Call at 011-66765030 to book the demo.

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