office like wi-fi at home

Want office like wi-fi at home? Here’s what you should look for


Wi-Fi is something that has become essential in the modern day. As a result, having a worthy wifi network is always desired by all. Now, if you are someone who goes to office, you may have noticed that the internet at the workplace is quite smooth. However, compare the office wi-fi to the one at your home, and you would realise that there’s a massive gap in performance between the two.

Now, if you are indeed paying for a wi-fi connection at home, then why should you be suffering from below par network speeds? Don’t know which are the key metrics that you should be wary of, while getting a new broadband connection? Fret not!

As always, we have got your back. These are some key pointers that should help you make the switch to a better broadband connection.

Speed is of the essence

Your broadband connection should resonate with speed. Because if you have a connection that is not fast, then you are set in for a lot of frustration. Nobody likes a bad internet connection, especially on a wifi. That is why, if you want office-like fast internet at home too, then it is time to look at the speed of the connection.

Ideally, we would suggest you to simply switch to a better plan with more speed. However, speed is not the only metric when it comes to having wifi at home. There are other factors that are at play here too.

Unlimited internet

Let’s be completely clear about this. With your wi-fi connection, you should never make any compromises. That is why, whenever you get a wifi connection, make sure that you are getting unlimited internet. It is only valid because you will need your wi-fi network for a variety of things. Having unlimited internet also puts your mind at ease. Finally, you can relax and not have to worry about exhausting your broadband limit for the month all the time.

Dual band wi-fi router

If you have a single band router at home, then we’re sad to break it to you – a single band router just doesn’t cut it.A dual band wi-fi router is also extremely important to help you get a better internet experience at home. It comes with two bandwidths – 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, which help divert the internet traffic from your devices across two channels.

Customer service support

Another one of the key metrics is having a reliable customer support for your wifi connection. No matter how much you trust your broadband, having tech issues is normal, and unavoidable. In such cases, where you need your internet back up very soon, the customer support officials can help you out tremendously. However, in case you don’t get apt support, things can only go south from there.

These are some of the pointers that you should remember. There are lots more to add to it as well, such as OTT benefits, large selection of wi-fi plans and more. If you are currently unhappy with your existing broadband connection, we suggest looking at Airtel’s broadband services. We are sure that you would like what they have to offer!

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